
Bay State Equine Rescue is 100% volunteer. You are invited to join us in helping horses heal.
You'd be amazed at the different professions and talents it takes to run this rescue. Volunteers come from all walks of life.
Volunteer at the Barn
For those with equine skills this means training, exercising, grooming, services at clinics and educational workshops, and all horse-care duties.
For volunteers with limited experience with horses your help is needed for daily chores, barn cleaning and facility maintenance.

Volunteer at Events
Volunteers work tirelessly to raise the funds necessary to operate the rescue. BSER is wholly publicly supported. It is operational due to the endless efforts of volunteers just like yourself.
Financial Assistance
Direct donations in any amount are appreciated. Everyone gives what they can of themselves. If you feel called on to help BSER financially please visit our donate page.
BSER is a corporation in the state of Massachusetts comprised of volunteers eagerly participating in the rescue and rehabilitation process. We are a 501(c)(3) tax deductible, public charity, publicly supported organization, and depend entirely on the donations of concerned businesses and individuals. Please support our mission, the horses need us!
Become a volunteer. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel!
Let him labor, working with his hands, what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need. Ephesians 4:28